The accord
The Accord was a venue in Downtown Champaign, Illinois that was open from January 2016 - April 2017. It was a short project that rebranded the former venue, The Highdive, as an experiment between friends.
Bonfire Quarterly was a print magazine that we published in summer 2013, at the direction of our former Editor in Chief at Smile Politely, Tracy Nectoux. The goal was to print it once a quarter, but we decided that print was, indeed, a dead medium.
The ILLIAC was a festival that we staged in May of 2014 in Downtown Urbana. It was a really wonderful event, but the owners of Mirabelle Pastries, Cinema Gallery, and Heel To Toe acted like a bunch of petulant children, complained that we were going to ruin their business, and one of them actually physically assaulted Seth, so yeah, fuck that. We'll do it somewhere else next time.